Laan vd Helende Meesters 8
1186 AM Amstelveen
The Japan Desk Amstelland Hospital is located in the Amstelland Hospital in Amstelveen. The Japanese staff of the Japan Desk can be contacted to receive free of charge information, help and guidance when making hospital appointments, and language support for Japanese nationals who need to visit the Amstelland Hospital. The staff can also provide general information about the Dutch medical system. In accordance with local laws, the Japan Desk does not provide medical services nor medical advice (nor any other equivalent services) nor will the Japan Desk be involved in any financial matters related to the hospital.
When you arrive in the Netherlands, we strongly recommend that you register first and foremost with a huisarts (home doctor). If you need medical help, you should first contact your home doctor*. If the home doctor determines that you need to be treated by a specialist, you will be given a referral to a specialist. To schedule an appointment with a specialist, you can contact the Japan Desk’s general number for guidance and assistance.
As a general rule, we will accompany you to medical appointments only if you make an appointment in advance. Also, please understand that in the Netherlands, medical appointments are usually made several weeks in advance. It is extremely difficult to make an appointment on the same day or within a few days.
Once you have an appointment, please avoid last-minute cancellations, as they are very inconvenient for the hospital. If you need to change or cancel an appointment, please do so in person. The Japan Desk will not be able to accept such changes or cancellations.
Amstelland Hospital is located in Amstelveen and can be compared with a general hospital in Japan. It is equipped with all the common medical departments. Amstelland Hospital has an open and friendly atmosphere and puts the patient first. The hospital’s goal is to provide you with the best possible medical care and associated nursing care. Medical care is provided by specialist physicians who place the highest priority on quality treatment methods. Furthermore, the hospital often collaborates with nearby university hospitals (such as VU Medical Center or AMC) and other specialists to provide the best possible medical care.